Redakteur / Lektor (m/w/d)
Programmbereich Young Adult und New Adult

  • Location:  Munich, Ravensburg
  • Working time:  Full-time
  • Job level:  Professionals
  • Place of work: Hybrid work
  • Department: Product, Editing & Design
  • Start date: ab sofort

We at Ravensburger are both a truly global company and a family. As a bunch full of different characters and personalities with heart and a passion for achieving our goals together, we offer a great range of entertainment for children and families. What drives us forward? A shared sense of purpose. Together we are working on creating something meaningful - pure fulfillment for your career!

This is what we need you for

  • Du akquirierst sowohl deutschsprachige Originalausgaben als auch englischsprachige Lizenzausgaben für den Bereich Young Adult und New Adult.
  • In deinem Verantwortungsgebiet bist du für das Produktmanagement von Büchern von der Idee bis zur Marktreife inklusive Zeitplan, Positionierung, Pricing, Optik, Ausstattung, Datenoptimierung und Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung zuständig.
  • Du arbeitest eng mit Autor*innen, Übersetzer*innen und Grafiker*innen zusammen.
  • Du koordinierst interne Schnittstellen wie Herstellung, Design, Marketing, Vertrieb und PR in Bezug auf deine Bücher.
  • Die Beobachtung nationaler und internationaler Buchtrends auf TikTok und Instagram ist ein wichtiger Teil deines Aufgabengebiets.

This is what you can score highly with

  • Du besitzt einen Hochschulabschluss in Geistes- bzw. Buchwissenschaften.
  • Du bringst mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in einem Jugendbuch- oder Belletristik-Lektorat in unseren Programmbereich ein.
  • Umfassende Markt-, Trend- und Zielgruppenkenntnisse hast du bereits erfolgreich in deiner bisherigen Tätigkeit einsetzen können.
  • Du kannst auf ein bestehendes Netzwerk zu Autor*innen zurückgreifen. Am Knüpfen und Pflegen neuer Kontakte hast du große Freude.
  • Wenn zudem Kreativität, Teamgeist, eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise und sehr gute Englischkenntnisse zu deinen Pluspunkten zählen, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig.

Your Benefits

  Flexible working hours

With our flexible working time models, you can easily manage your job and your private life. And if your position allows it, you can work part of the time from home.

  Sports & Spa

How about a day filled with yoga, gym, and spa? Thanks to our EGYM Wellpass, exactly that is possible, nationwide! Our employees can individually customize their personal sports or spa program with a low employee contribution.

  Having fun together

We do not just celebrate our successes and the Christmas party once a year, but also come together regularly for after-work parties, game evenings or in small groups together with colleagues.

  Your health comes first

Check out our health and wellbeing benefits, such as vaccinations, eye check-ups or (online) sports courses, or get a check-up from our company doctor.

  Food & Drinks

We take care of your well-being - with free fruit and water dispensers in the office as well as discounted food in our company restaurant at the Ravensburg office.

  Free ride

We support your mobility with a JobRad offer, provide you with a parking area for your car in Ravensburg and Meckenbeuren, in Ravensburg we also provide e-charging stations, and we offer a company car depending on your position.

Your way to Ravensburger

It's always nice to know what to expect. That's why we've summarized for you what to expect during the application process and what the next steps will be here.
We have also answered some general and frequently asked questions in our FAQs. Feel free to check it out: FAQ Ravensburger

You still have some questions?

Do you still have any questions about your application, the job or anything else? I am happy to answer them.

Thomas Wagner
Head of Human Resources DACH



(Help us to keep the process lean and apply via the "Apply Now" button instead of sending an email.)


Apply now

Statement on equal opportunities

Ravensburger is a family-owned company with family values, a strong sense of community and mutual respect. We foster a diverse corporate culture and therefore make sure that we work together in a fair, respectful and tolerant way where there is no place for discrimination.