Produktmanager D-A-CH (m/w/d)

  • Location:  Ravensburg
  • Working time:  Part-time 60%
  • Job level:  Professionals
  • Place of work: Hybrid work
  • Department: Product, Editing & Design
  • Start date: ab sofort

We at Ravensburger are both a truly global company and a family. As a bunch full of different characters and personalities with heart and a passion for achieving our goals together, we offer a great range of entertainment for children and families. What drives us forward? A shared sense of purpose. Together we are working on creating something meaningful - pure fulfillment for your career!

This is what we need you for

  • Lokale Strategieentwicklung und -umsetzung in Abstimmung mit dem globalen Geschäftsbereich/ Kategorie
  • Steuerung und Optimierung des jährlichen lokalen Produktportfolios (Erwachsenen- und Kinderpuzzle, 3D Puzzles)
  • Vorantreiben der Ideenfindung für lokale Produktentwicklungspläne und der Definition der mittelfristigen lokalen Produkt-Roadmap
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit und Schnittstelle zu Vertrieb, Marketing und globalen Teams im Headquarter
  • Durchführung von Wettbewerbs- und Marktanalysen, um Trends, Kundenbedürfnisse und Marktchancen zu identifizieren

This is what you can score highly with

  • BA/MA in International Business Studies oder vergleichbar
  • Mindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung im internationalen Marken-/Produktmanagement (Spielzeug- oder FMCG-Industrie bevorzugt)
  • Starker Antrieb, kreativer Querdenker mit verbraucherorientiertem Denken
  • Starker Teamplayer und Teambuilder
  • Ausgeprägtes analytisches Denkvermögen, Fähigkeit, mehrere komplexe Projekte zu bearbeiten

Your Benefits

  Time to yourself

In addition to your 30 vacation days, you can take special days off for private occasions such as your wedding, the birth of your child or your company anniversary.

  Your health comes first

Check out our health and wellbeing benefits, such as vaccinations, eye check-ups or (online) sports courses, or get a check-up from our company doctor.

  Live your dreams

We are happy to support you if you need some time off, want to realize your dreams and take a sabbatical. Let's discuss the possibilities together.

  Having fun together

We do not just celebrate our successes and the Christmas party once a year, but also come together regularly for after-work parties, game evenings or in small groups together with colleagues.

Your way to Ravensburger

It's always nice to know what to expect. That's why we've summarized for you what to expect during the application process and what the next steps will be here.
We have also answered some general and frequently asked questions in our FAQs. Feel free to check it out: FAQ Ravensburger

You still have some questions?

Do you still have any questions about your application, the job or anything else? I am happy to answer them.

Cornelia Cramer
Human Resources Business Partner



(Help us to keep the process lean and apply via the "Apply Now" button instead of sending an email.)


Apply now

Statement on equal opportunities

Ravensburger is a family-owned company with family values, a strong sense of community and mutual respect. We foster a diverse corporate culture and therefore make sure that we work together in a fair, respectful and tolerant way where there is no place for discrimination.